Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Christmas 2010
Okay, so tomorrow is actually Thanksgiving but I've got Christmas on the brain!  Since we're very low on funds this year, I'll be making homemade gifts for everyone on our list and I've currently got about a million craft projects planned but very few started!  My mom hosts a yearly Christmas party that is always a huge deal and it's where I give several friends their yearly gifts.  The only problem with this tradition is that the party is the 2nd week in December so I've only got two and a half weeks to finish 2 embroidery projects as well as several other gifts and to figure out something amazing to get my friends who just got married since they've got enough embroidery from me this year!  I also want to make some homemade decorations this year like some festive bunting... soo much to do!!  I'll have some follow-up posts of things as their finished!  Anyone feeling the Holiday crush yet?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

C.R.A.F.T. Package Pals!

I joined Jamie's Package Pals for October over at C.R.A.F.T. and got to make some fun stuff for Debbie in Florida over at Crafty Rider and got a great package in the mail from her too!


 Here's the contents of my package for Debbie.  I made her a horseshoe embroidery piece since she's a horse rider and works for a horse rescue.  You can read Rescuerider's Weblog here.  I also included a mini Christmas wreath and a Halloween craft book since we both love the holidays.  I made her a pair of hand warmers since she does suffer from arthritis, 30 seconds in the microwave and they're great for aches or just keeping warm (though it can't get that cold in Florida).  I also included 2 origami crane strands which are what's in the Chinese New Year envelopes (Origami is Japanese but really I just don't want the cranes to get bent in shipping).

Here's what the crane strands look like hanging up.

Here's what came in my package from Debbi.  I got a total of 7 soaps to try with 6 coordinating washcloths.  Debbi said she tried to match the washcloth to the scent, for example there's cinnamon nutmeg for Halloween and cocao mint for Christmas, yum!  I also got a great book on wirewrapping, something I've been wanting to try, some peacock feathers that I think I might try making into hair clips of some sort and a really cool little rose ornament that is currently hanging in my craft room window.  Thanks Debbi!